

    How to Forcefully stop hanging Foreman tasks

    Method I Run the following command in the Foreman/Satellite server to access the foreman console. # foreman-rake console Loading production environment (Rails 6.0.6) irb(main):001:0>     Cancel all running Sync...

    Pipeline Redirection using the tee command in Linux

    The tee command reads from standard input and write to standard output and files at the same time. It can copy standard input to...

    Linux File System Hierarchy

    On a Linux system, all files are stored on file systems, which are organized into a single inverted tree of directories, known as a...

    How copy all the content of a file in Vim to clipboard

    To copy all the content of a file in Vim to the clipboard, you can use the following command: :%y+   Press ESC key to quit  from...

    How to Change the SELinux Enforcement Mode in RHEL/Rocky Linux

    What is SELinux? Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a security architecture created by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) and Red Hat for Linux® systems...

    How to Schedule Recurring User Jobs using Cronie in Linux

    Jobs(processes that are running in the background or foreground) scheduled to run repeatedly are called recurring jobs. Most Linux distributions like RHEL, Rocky, Alma...

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